Uncovering the Subtle Art of Drug and Alcohol Manipulation

One hidden and sometimes disregarded part of addiction is manipulation. Regularly or unknowingly, those who are addicted to alcohol may engage in manipulative activities to maintain their drug usage unhindered. It is essential to comprehend these strategies to identify and deal with alcohol manipulation.

What is alcohol manipulation?

Alcohol manipulation refers to the employment of mental, emotional, or even physical strategies to uphold the current state of substance use. It frequently entails relationship abuse, blaming, and deceit.

Being in the victim’s shoe

Acting in the place of a victim is sometimes one of the best strategies to follow. Those with addictions may present themselves as hopeless or as victims of uncontrollable situations. By using this strategy, they can gain compassion and deflect criticism for their addiction-related actions.

Gaslighting the addict

 A technique of gaslighting can be used to cause others to doubt their true nature or sanity. They may reject blatant facts or their own actions, which would cause others to question their views and become more cooperative.

Emotional manipulation

Emotional blackmail manipulates someone by appealing to their sense of duty, affection, or fear. An addict, for example, may suggest that you aren’t concerned about them if you refrain from offering them cash or standing in for them.

Starting Arguments

Some manipulators use sensationalism or confrontations to draw attention away from their addiction. In order to establish a chaotic atmosphere where their acts go overlooked, they could start conflicts or set individuals against one another.

Guilt practice

One of the manipulator’s most effective tools is guilt. To make you feel obligated to them and more inclined to agree with their requests, addicts may bring up previous kindness or sacrifices.

False Declarations

Another strategy is making untrue promises. If they desire anything, an addict may commit to change or get help, but they may not mean to follow through on it.

Wrapping up

In summary, identifying these deceptive strategies is the initial step in handling them successfully. Setting limits and getting expert assistance are crucial while managing someone’s addiction. Keep into consideration that alcohol manipulation is a sign of a more severe addiction problem, and treating it calls for both strength and empathy.