Ketamine Addiction & Abuse Help

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Addiction & Abuse of Ketamine

Ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic initially approved by the FDA in 1970, has served as a valuable anesthetic in medical procedures for both humans and animals. However, in recent times, its misuse as a recreational drug has become a growing concern, leading to potential physical and psychological dependence. As a site dedicated to providing help and support for individuals struggling with ketamine abuse and addiction, we delve into the effects of ketamine, signs of use disorder, and essential insights on seeking assistance. If you or a loved one are struggling with ketamine we will be happy to give you a free assessment for a professional intervention or if you want to try as a family on your own learn how to stage your own intervention by clicking here. If they are ready for detox or rehab you can call us immediately for placement at 888-972-8513.

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine, used medically for anesthesia and sedation, rapidly wears off after short procedures. Its hallucinogenic and dissociative effects have led to its misuse on the streets, resulting in sensations of euphoria and detachment. Unfortunately, ketamine has also been misused as a date-rape drug, adding to its dangers.

Effects of Ketamine:

The effects of ketamine vary depending on the dose, with lower doses causing sedation and analgesia, while higher doses lead to dissociative experiences. Physical effects may include sedation, dizziness, slow breathing, and cardiovascular issues. Mentally, users may experience hallucinations, confusion, and anxiety. Furthermore, ketamine users may become less aware of their surroundings, putting them at risk for accidents and sexual assault.

Delayed Effects of Ketamine Use:

Ketamine misuse can lead to delayed physical and mental effects, such as bladder pain, kidney issues, chronic stomach pain, and depression. Combining ketamine with alcohol or other substances can heighten these risks and may lead to severe complications like seizures, stupor, and heart attacks.

Ketamine Overdose and Withdrawal:

Ketamine overdose is relatively rare but can lead to dangerously slow breathing and unconsciousness. After ceasing ketamine use, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, depression, and cravings. While physical withdrawal symptoms are less common than with other substances, managing psychosis and agitation may be necessary in certain cases.

Recognizing Ketamine Abuse and Addiction:

Ketamine is recognized as having abuse potential, leading to psychological and physical dependence. Those misusing ketamine may find it challenging to stop due to its euphoric effects and role in social interactions. Signs of ketamine use disorder include taking larger amounts of the substance than intended, cravings, neglecting responsibilities, and using despite negative consequences.

Ketamine Abuse Treatment and Rehab:

Treating ketamine use disorder often involves a combination of behavioral therapies and psychosocial interventions. Seeking professional help is crucial in addressing the underlying issues and helping individuals regain control over their lives.

Understanding ketamine abuse and addiction is vital to providing appropriate help and support to those struggling with its misuse. Recognizing the signs of use disorder, the risks associated with misuse, and the available treatment options can pave the way for a successful recovery journey. At Intervention 365, we aim to guide and assist individuals and their families in overcoming ketamine addiction and embracing a healthier, substance-free future. Reach out to us today to begin your path to recovery with compassionate support and professional care.


We will verify your health insurance and find you a detox or rehab for ketamine abuse and addiction.

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